Naruto is another great manga and anime. The story revolves around a 12 year old boy named Naruto who is shunned by his entire village for a reason he does not know. Naruto aspires to be the village leader or Hokage so that people will finally recognize him. Soon Naruto becomes a ninja and joins squad 7 lead by his sensei Kakashi Hatake and his teamates Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno. Soon Naruto finds out that he is a Jinchuuriki, a human who is used to host one of the nine almost infinitely powerful tailed beasts, and that he is the host of the nine tailed fox spirit that almost destroyed the village 12 years ago, which is why he was shunned by most villagers. Naruto's rival Sasuke is the sole survivor of the once great Uchiha clan which was destroyed by Sasuke's brother Itachi who left only him alive. Sasuke possesses the unique bloodline technique of the Uchiha known as the Sharingan. Sasuke begins to realize that the gap in power between him and Naruto as Naruto gains many new powerful techniques and he eventually betrays the village to seek out Orochimaru(a main villian) for power. Orochimaru welcomes Sasuke with the sole intention of being reborn in Sasuke's body to gain the Sharingan. This leads Naruto and a group of other ninja to try to rescue Sasuke. This fails however and Naruto leaves the village with Jiraya, a toad sage, so that he can gain power and save Sasuke.
Naruto is an awesome manga and anime with much action and excitement however I think that the anime has far too many filler arcs however, Naruto still excels in all other parts and is definitely worth your time.
P.S I left much out of the summary including things about Naruto Shippuden, the sequel to Naruto that follows the events after a timeskip because, one I was lazy, and two that would be way to many spoilers.
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